Body Massage

Body Massage in Kharadi Pune

Details - Body Massage

Benefits of body massage are so beneficial and create peace of mind, relaxation, stress relief, and sacred loving touch.

Skin refresh

The slight friction of your massage therapist’s hands along with the massage lotion and oil causes gentle exfoliation, allowing fresh skin cells to emerge.

Nervous system relaxation

As you relax, your nervous system enters a “rest and digest” mode. If you have areas of pain and tension in your body, it’s possible that they are the result of pressure on nerves caused by tight muscles, and massage may relieve it.

Musculoskeletal benefits

Your muscles are like sponges – when they contract, blood and lymph fluid are squeezed out, and when they relax fresh blood enters bringing fresh nutrition, oxygen, and immune cells. Increased blood supply also accelerates the removal of lactic acid and other products of muscle metabolism that contribute to cramps, muscle fatigue, and DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Your massage therapist may also incorporate stretching and range of motion movements into the massage, which mobilizes the joints and places beneficial tension on your muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

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